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Eaztrans International Logistics Co., Ltd.

  • Address︰No. 18, Msq Building, Gaoxin South Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
  • Telephone:85246384036
  • Email: service@eaztrans.com
  • Mobile Phone:85246384036
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Eaztrans International Logistics Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive cargo transport service provider, which specializes in international air transport, domestic air transport, International Maritime transport, international express, automobile transport, railway transport. As one of the integrated logistics supply chain service providers. Mainly undertakes international air and domestic air cargo transport business, international major ports, sea container transport, sea container transport (shipping services), global international air express express service, Eurasian and Central European international railway transport, domestic major cities, automobile round trip special line logistics. Focus on providing customers with professional, personalized, global logistics services of modern enterprises.The company's professional team management, pragmatic and innovative spirit, strategic development decisions. Build an international, informational, intensive and systematic intelligent logistics service operation platform. In order to meet the market demand for individualized transportation, provide the best logistics solutions, all-round integration of logistics service providers.

We have grown tremendously and continues to flourish. With the business ideas "Customer first, Humanized services ", we listen carefully and stand on the customer's perspective in order to provide economical,safe, and tailor-made logistics services. our staffs are well experienced and our managers are qualified. And we would like to cooperate with all present and future customers and step forwards into a bright future.